I finally gave up using Hotmail after 18 years after the version of Outlook provided ground to a stop and several times I couldn't access my account. I'd put in a 'forward' to another of my accounts, expecting everything to come through. However, when I went to check my Hotmail, the spam folder was unusually full and some items hadn't been forwarded. Given that I had 465 items to go through, I wondered about simply emptying the whole lot. However, I knew there were a few things I diverted there and occasionally viewed, so I started going through them. On the third of four pages, I suddenly noticed a message from my author contact form:
Comment or enquiry: Would like to talk to you about your books. I am a radio talk show host on the Law of Attraction Radio Network.
Sometimes when I receive messages through my websites, it's people simply wanting to increase my search ratings or offer some service I don't require. However, when I get something like the above, I go and check it out. I arrived at Fulfilling Your Purpose and found the Law of Attraction Radio Network talk show page. The first person I recognised was Jack Canfield (from "The Secret" film and author of "Chicken Soup for the Soul") which certainly added credibility. I then replied to the host, Constance Arnold, and apologised for my late reply - since her initial contact had been made a week previous and I usually reply to people on the same day as receiving messages.
We talked for about 45 minutes and arranged to do a proper interview for the show this weekend - which could go out live either Sunday 21 or 28 July at 7:00 EST (4:00 PST - 12:00 GMT).
Interestingly, what I forgot to mention to Constance, was how 'law of attraction' had brought us together from my perspective. As mentioned in a previous blog, I had spent the last 30 years of my life practising invisibility - not wanting to draw attention to myself in any way. However, since developing my writing full-time, being invisible hasn't helped people to find my books! After almost a year's effort in self-promotion, followed by some thoughtful consideration, I decided that conventional methods to regain visibility were falling short of expectation and when I really thought about it, I'd need a very expansive and potentially costly, marketing campaign to get anywhere near started! At this point, I decided to hand over the task to the universe, along the lines of:
"I need to stop being invisible; I need people to know I exist. Please help me to attract the right people who will be interested in my books and help me to become more noticed."
Following my own practice with 'law of attraction', I then removed myself from 'interfering' in the process or outcome, made a coffee and sat in the sun for a while. Over the next days, I relaxed and let go of concerning myself with publicity and potential wealth generation, since I finally admitted the truth to myself:
"Cold marketing is not something that comes naturally to you; you don't have to be good at everything; and you don't have to kill yourself with strenuous effort to "make" yourself good at something if it really doesn't interest you!"
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